vantage 是什么意思
vantage 是一个英语单词是名词意思是优势、有利情况、有利地位。
它的读音是英['vɑːntɪdʒ] 美['væntɪdʒ] 。
比如在短语 Vantage Point 中意思是刺杀据点、有利地形、有利位置。
这个词常被用于各种语境中。像“You're in his employ. what a coign of vantage!”这句话里意思就是你受他的雇用这是一个多么有利的位置呵
再比如“And thanks to its vantage point in space, the craft's telescope can obtain much clearer images than Earthbased instruments.”由于在宇宙空间中的优势与基于地球的设备相比该飞船望远镜可以获得更清晰的图片。
还有“We just wanted to play games but they didn't want to admit they were simply buying us a toy, but via our youthful vantage point of technical knowledge we helped assuage their guilt.”意思是其实我们就只是想玩游戏他们却不愿承认买给我们的纯粹是个玩具但利用年轻一代在科技知识上这点优势我们可以帮他们减轻一些负罪感。
总之vantage 这个词主要就是用来表示在某种情形下的有利条件或优势地位。